Oerlikon Market

Oerlikon Market is an open air farmers market open every Wednesday and Saturday from 6 AM to 11 AM.

If you visit Zurich as a tourist or live there, and love to buy fresh food or just to experience European style open markets, this is the place to come to.

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Where Is Oerlikon Market Located

Oerlikon Market is located in Zurich’s second center, Oerlikon. It is just one block from Oerlikon train station, so it’s very easily accessible either by S-Bahn trains or trams. Even if you come here from Zurich city center, the train will take you here in just 8 minutes.

Marktplatz Oerlikon, 8050 Zürich, Switzerland

Opening Hours

Oerlikon market is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 6 AM to 11 AM.

Although officially it opens at 6, we came here at 8 and some of the stalls were just opening. So unless you want to experience a European style market at dawn, I suggest you to come here between 8 and 10 in the morning.

At any other time, this place is just a big plaza with no stalls at all. All the sellers come here, build and remove their booths every market day.

What Can You Buy Here?

This is a typical European-style open air market open only two days a week. The number of sellers that come here at a given day can vary. We visited the place on a summer Wednesday morning, and I can tell you that half of the stands were empty.

You can find a lot of places selling fruits and vegetables. Both local producers selling fresh Swiss produce and other stands where you can buy basically anything from around the world.

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When we visited, there was a bakery with yummy local pastries and breads, and also a lot of stands selling flowers. On the street, some trucks were selling meat, cheese, and fish.

Click on the link to visit Oerlikon Market’s official website to find out more about the sellers. The website is in German, but using Google translate you can click on the kiosks and see what’s being sold there.