Pizzeria alla Lampara Udine

Pizzeria alla Lampara can be found in a corner right between the historic and newer parts of Udine. In our opinion not only is this the best pizzeria in town, but you can get one of the best Italian pizza here even compared with other cities.

Continue reading to find out how we happened to find this place by chance, what we ordered and where you can find Pizzeria alla Lampara in Udine.

How We Found Pizzeria Alla Lampara in Udine

We found a hotel at the edge of the old town in Udine when we stopped here for literally one night going home from Tuscany. The hotel was in a good location, and we decided to take a walk in the city late at night after we arrived.

Right at the first corner we saw a very welcoming pizzeria that seemed quite authentic. That was of course alla Lampara.

Pizzeria alla Lampara Udine

The doors were still open, the wood fire in the oven invited us to try the flavors, but unfortunately the place was not accepting new customers at the night. Restaurants all over Italy have a very strict opening schedule. This place is only open during lunch and dinner, and even on Wednesdays and Sundays they don’t open during lunch hours.

So we had a strong desire to try the place, but as the next day was a Sunday, we missed out on the possibility of eating pizza here on that occasion.

However, a couple of weeks later we stopped by again to visit Udine. I’m not denying that one of the reasons was to try pizzeria alla Lampara at last, and also to explore the extraordinary flavors at our favorite ice cream shop in town, Cuore di Panna.

Pizza in Alla Lampara

I’m not saying that this is the best pizza you can get in Italy. There are definitely exceptional places around the country, and I would even say that you can get better pizza in some other places than what you get here. What I’m saying though is that unfortunately you will be disappointed in a lot of pizza restaurants in this country, but alla Lampara is definitely not that place.

Pizzeria alla Lampara inside

Pizza is such a staple of Italian cuisine, than when you come to this country you would think that everywhere you go you’re gonna get an exceptional one. But then, when you sit down at a random place, you suddenly discover that not all pizzerias are made equal, not even here. You’re going to find out pretty soon that just because you are in Italy, it doesn’t mean that all the pizza you try would be great.

But that’s not the case here at alla Lampara. The pizza they make is exceptional and I guarantee you’re going to enjoy it if you love real Neapolitan style pizza.

What We Ate

I already liked the menu just by looking at it. It was simple enough yet everyone could get their favorite pizza. They don’t have too many choices, around 15-20 pizzas. Modern takes on classic pizza recipes but fortunately not too modern. Sometimes, even in Italy, you think that it’s too much what they want to sell you as modern pizza. Here I think they found the great balance between tradition and modern expectations.

Pizzeria alla Lampara menu Udine

My favorite sign on the menu was a small yellow star, indicating what are the favorites around here. A quick peek into what Italians actually love when they order pizza.

We tried two of those favorite ones. Cinquantasette (cooked tomatoes, mozzarella, spicy salami, anchovies, Pecorino Romano) and Crêuza De Ma (tomato, mozzarella, ricotta, sun dried tomatoes, pesto). And I can tell you that both of them were fantastic and we loved them both.

Pizza cinquantasette
Pizza Creuza de ma

Verticale di Margherita was our third choice. A modern take on the classic margherita pizza, with 4 different types of tomatoes. It was actually really good, other than our first small disappointment that it did not have the classic red tomato sauce that you expect from a margherita.

Pizza Verticale di Margherita

Anyhow, I definitely recommend you to come here and try this place also if you crave a real authentic Italian pizza!

Where is it Located

Pizzeria alla Lampara is located on the corner at Piazzale Paolo Diacono in Udine Italy. It is just a short walk from the historic center of Udine. Use this interactive Google Map to find it and navigate.

Via Anton Lazzaro Moro, 63, 33100 Udine UD, Italy